Growing in the shadow of antifascism : remembering the holocaust in state-socialist Eastern Europe

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Formátum: könyv
Megjelenés: Budapest ; Vienna ; New York : CEU Press, 2022
Kapcsolódó mű:Analitika: "A great civic and scientific duty of our historiography" Czech historians and the holocaust in the 1970s and 1980s: opac-EUL01-001124165
Analitika: "The Jewish diaries... undergo one edition after the other" early Polish holocaust documentation, East German antifascism, and the emergence of holocaust memory in socialism: opac-EUL01-001124181
Analitika: "We pledge, as if it was the highest sanctum, to preserve the memory" sovetish heymland, facets of holocaust commemoration in the Soviet Union and the cold war: opac-EUL01-001124180
Analitika: Distrusting the parks Heinz Knobloch's journalism and the memory of the shoahg in the GDR: opac-EUL01-001124179
Analitika: Edition of documents from the Ringelblum archive ( the underground archive of the Warsaw ghetto) in Stalinist Poland: opac-EUL01-001124164
Analitika: Holocaust narrative(s) in soviet Lithuania the case of the Ninth Fort Museum in Kaunas: opac-EUL01-001124173
Analitika: Introduction: opac-EUL01-001124160
Analitika: Making sense of the holocaust in socialist Eastern Europe: opac-EUL01-001124182
Analitika: Memory incarnate Jewish sites in communist Poland and the perception ot the shoah: opac-EUL01-001124174
Analitika: Paralell memories? public memorialization of the antifascist struggle and Martyr Memorial Service in the Hungarian Jewish Community during early communism: opac-EUL01-001124171
Analitika: The conflicted identities of Helmut Eschwegecommunist, jew, and historian of the holocaust in the German Democratic Republic: opac-EUL01-001124169
Analitika: Towards a shared memory? the Hungarian holocaust in mass-market socialist literature, 1956-1970: opac-EUL01-001124178
Analitika: Writing a Soviet holocaust novel traumatic memory, the search for documents, and the Soviet war narrative in Anatolii Rybakov's : heavy sand: opac-EUL01-001124175
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