Teaching research methods in the social sciences

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Formátum: könyv
Megjelenés: Abingdon ; New York : Routledge, 2016
Kapcsolódó mű:Analitika: Apprenticeship indutction to research through praxis of method: opac-EUL01-001108132
Analitika: Best practice in research methods assessment opportunities to enhance student learning: opac-EUL01-001108139
Analitika: Bridging gaps the quest for culturally responsive pedagogies in collaborative research methods: opac-EUL01-001108151
Analitika: Critical realism and teaching empirical methods: opac-EUL01-001108118
Analitika: Developing reflective researchers: opac-EUL01-001108131
Analitika: Historical trends in teaching research methods by psychologists in the United States: opac-EUL01-001108117
Analitika: How to do case study research: opac-EUL01-001108143
Analitika: Incorporating the ethical dimension in the teaching of research methods: opac-EUL01-001108130
Analitika: Introduction towards a pedagogical culture in research methods: opac-EUL01-001108112
Analitika: Learning research together reciprocal benefits for individuals with and without disabilities: opac-EUL01-001108148
Analitika: Ontology, epistemology and methodology for teaching research methods: opac-EUL01-001108121
Analitika: Research as social relations implications for teaching research methods: opac-EUL01-001108129
Analitika: Researcher know thyself! emerging pedagogies for participatory research: opac-EUL01-001108141
Analitika: Symmetries and asymmetries between curriculum and pedagogy in teaching critical ethnography: opac-EUL01-001108145
Analitika: Teaching research methods to trainee practitioners: opac-EUL01-001108142
Analitika: Teaching the use of technology in research methods: opac-EUL01-001108137
Analitika: The (in)effectiveness of various approaches to teaching research methods: opac-EUL01-001108134
Analitika: Trends in teaching qualitative research a 30-year perspective: opac-EUL01-001108114
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