Mun-hwa-dong-ban-ja yeon-gu bal-pyo-jjip : 2012.12.11.

Mentés helye:
Bibliográfiai részletek
Alternatív cím(ek):Munhwadongpanja yŏn’gu palp’yojip
Testületi szerző:
Formátum: folyóirat
Megjelenés: [Seoul] : The National Library of Korea
Kapcsolódó mű:Analitika: Gug-rip-jung-ang-do-seo-gwan-gwa el-te-dae-hak-do-seo-gwan tong-gye bi-gyo = What would like the user? : the comparative study of the statistics in the National Library of Korea and the statistics in the University Library of ELTE: opac-EUL01-000798957
Analitika: Gung-nip-jjang-ae-in-do-seo-gwa-ne gwan-han yeon-gu = Study of The National Library for Individuals with Disabilities: opac-EUL01-000798964
Analitika: Gung-nip-jjung-ang-do-seo-gwan tong-hap-jjeong-bo-si-seu-te-me gwan-han yeon-gu = Study of the Integrated Retrieval System in the National Library of Korea: opac-EUL01-000798959
Analitika: Gung-nip-tti-ji-teol-do-seo-gwa-ne gwan-han yeon-gu = Study of The National Digital Library of Korea: opac-EUL01-000798962
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