Buddhist monasticism in East Asia : places of practices

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Alternatív cím(ek):Koen and the "consecrated ordination" within Japanese Tendai
Vows for the masses: Eison and the popular expansion of precept-conferral ceremonies in premodern Japan
The monastic institution in medieval Japan: the insider's view
The monastery cat in cross-cultural perspective: cat poems of the zen masters
Pictorial program in the making of monastic space: from Jing'aisi of Luoyang to Cave 217 at Dunhuang
Monastic spaces and sacred traces: facets of Chinese buddhist monastic records
Taking a meal at a lay supporter's residence: the evolution of the practice in Chinese vinaya commentaries
Introduction: "Neither too far, nor too near" : the historical and cultural contexts of buddhist monasteries in medieval China and Japan
Formátum: könyv
Megjelenés: Abingdon ; New York : Routledge, 2010
Sorozat:Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism
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