Past and present : a journal of historical studies

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Bibliographic Details
Alternate Titles:Past and present. Supplement
Corporate Author:
Format: serials
Published: Oxford : PPS, 1975
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Related Items:Other relationship: Beyond truth: fiction and disinformation in early modern Europe: opac-EUL01-001106595
Other relationship: Cultures of Lutheranism: Reformation Repertoires in Early Modern Germany: opac-EUL01-000931075
Other relationship: Cultures of intoxication: opac-EUL01-000865395
Other relationship: Global History and Microhistory: opac-EUL01-000987452
Other relationship: Mothering's Many Labours: opac-EUL01-001033914
Other relationship: Ritual and Violence: Natalie Zemon Davis and Early Modern France: opac-EUL01-000772832
Other relationship: The Global Middle Ages: opac-EUL01-000959569
Other relationship: The Social History of the Archive: Record-Keeping in Early Modern Europe: opac-EUL01-000930152
Other relationship: Transnationalism and contemporary global history: opac-EUL01-000865392
Supplement parent: Past and present: opac-EUL01-000048930
Post-war reconstruction in Europe international perspectives, 1945-1949: opac-EUL01-000772813
Relics and remains: opac-EUL01-000746611
Rodney Hilton's middle ages an exploration of historical themes: opac-EUL01-000513922
The politics of gesture historical perspectives: opac-EUL01-000512448
The religion of fools? superstition past and present: opac-EUL01-000513918
essays in honour of Olwen Hufton: opac-EUL01-000513923
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University Library and Archive

Holdings details from University Library and Archive
Call Number: Numbering: Collection: Status:
P23266 [N.s.] 5-6.vol. 2010-2011 Folyóirat raktár In transit Részcímek: Relics and remains (2010. 5.vol. ), Post-war reconstruction in Europe (2011. 6.vol.)
P23266 [n.s.] Suppl. 15 (2020) - [n.s.] Suppl. 16 (2022) FI kurrens raktár In transit Részcíme: Mothering's many labours (15.), Beyond truth: fiction and Ddsinformation in early modern Europe
P23266 [n.s.] Suppl. 13 (2018) - [n.s.] Suppl. 14 (2019) FI kurrens raktár In transit Részcíme: The Global Middle Ages (13.), Global History and Microhistory (14.)
P23266 [n.s.] Suppl. 11 (2016) - [n.s.] Suppl. 12 (2017) FI kurrens raktár In transit Részcíme: The Social History of the Archive: Record-Keeping in Early Modern Europe (11.), Cultures of Lutheranism: Reformation Repertoires in Early Modern Germany (12.)
P23266 [n.s.] suppl. 9 (2014) FI kurrens raktár In transit Részcíme: Cultures of intoxication
P23266 [n.s.] suppl. 7 (2012) - [n.s.] suppl. 8 (2013) Folyóirat raktár In transit A suppl. 7 részcíme: Ritual and Violence: Natalie Zemon Davis and Early Modern France ; a suppl. 8 részcíme: Transnationalism and contemporary global history
P23266 N.s., 4.vol. 2009 Folyóirat raktár In transit
P23266 N.s., 3.vol. 2008 Folyóirat raktár In transit
P23266 N.s., 2.vol. 2007 Folyóirat raktár In transit
P23266 N.s., 1.vol. 2006 Folyóirat raktár In transit
P23266 1. 1975 - 6. 1982 Folyóirat raktár In transit